Home Presentation Works of Prof. Dr. Nicolae Bocşan Projects Journal of Church History
  • October 26th 2020, starting with 11 o'clock - Conference Din culisele unui spectacol național: Încoronarea regelui Ferdinand I și a Reginei Maria la Alba Iulia (15 octombrie 1922), held by Lecturer Ph.D. Lucian Turcu, within the project Advanced Fellowship-UBB on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/7360203104?pwd=VlJ1ZW5EUFBiZXR5d21FUDlSNDR5QT09
  • September 24th 2020, starting with 11 o'clock - Conference Administrația bisericească în perioada interbelică. Cazul Arhidiecezei de Făgăraș și Alba Iulia, held by Lecturer Ph.D. Lucian Turcu, within the project Advanced Fellowship-UBB on Zoom: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2745881738?pwd=Yy9NdnVpNlR4VHB6RVY5dFF5ZWtGUT09
  • January, 30th 2020, starting with 12 o'clock - at the headquarters of the Institute of Ecclesiastical History "Nicolae Bocșan", room 306, third floor, the central building of Babeș-Bolyai University, will be presented the project of solidarity and promotion in the form of a PowerPoint presentation: “George Baritiu” Institute of History at the Centenary (1920-2020). Presentation of the history, activities and achievements of the Institute.

    To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Institute, the action is designed as an event that will take place simultaneously in at least 100 educational and cultural institutions in the country (high schools, universities, museums, research institutes, archives, professional associations, NGOs).

  • Starting with January 2020 - Workshop for transcribing, interpreting and editing 19th and 20th century documents , organized by the Institute of Ecclesiastical History "Nicolae Bocşan". It is aimed at students passionate about historical sources. These will be able to join the team of professors and researchers of the institute in a workshop for transcribing, interpreting and editing of modern age documents.
  • December 7th 2017, starting with 17 o'clock – Conference Tragedia armenilor în anii Marelui Război. Istoriografie, memorie, literatură, held by Professor Ph.D. Giuseppe Munarini (Padova).
  • November 23rd 2017, starting with 13 o'clock – Book Launch Event: Lucian Turcu, Între idealuri și realitate. Arhidieceza de Alba Iulia și Făgăraș în timpul păstoririi mitropolitului Vasile Suciu (1920-1935), published by Mega Publishing House, in 2017.
    The floor was taken by: H.G. Bishop Florentin Crihălmeanu, the Greek-Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Cluj-Gherla, Professor Ph.D. Ovidiu Ghitta, Dean of the Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeş-Bolyai University, Associate Professor Ph.D. Ana Victoria Sima, Director of the Academic Cultural Heritage Department, Babeş-Bolyai University and Professor Ph.D. Ioan-Marius Bucur, Vicedean of the Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeş-Bolyai University.
  • November 26th 2016 - National Conference Colocviile Vasile Moga, 3rd Edition, organized by Sebeș Department of ”Transylvanian Association for Romanian Literature and Culture of the Romanian People – ASTRA” in collaboration with the Institute of Ecclesiastical History „Nicolae Bocşan”.