Home Presentation Works of Prof. Dr. Nicolae Bocşan Projects Journal of Church History
Year 2015
  • Cesare Alzati, "The Holy Apostle Barnabas and the Ambrosian Church. Ecclesiological Meanings of the Revival of a Greek Hagiographic Tradition in Milan", in Κυπριακὴ Ἁγιολογία. Πρακτικὰ Αˊ Διεθνοῦς Συνεδρίου. Παραλίμνι, 9-12 Φεβρουαρίου 2012, curr. Th. Giágkou - Chr. Νássē, Ἱερὰ Mητρόπολις Κωνσταντίας-Ἀμμοκώστου / Πολιτιστικὴ Ἀκαδημία «Ἅγιος Ἐπιφάνιος», Hagia Napa - Paralimni 2015, pp. 87-123 [ISBN: 978-9963-9381-9-3]
  • Cesare Alzati, "Oriente e Occidente di fronte alla santità dell’imperatore. Alcune osservazioni", in Dulcius nil est mihi veritate. Studi in onore di Pasquale Corsi, curr. Federica Monteleone e Luisa Lofoco, Edizioni del Rosone, Foggia 2015, pp. 55-64.
  • Cesare Alzati, "Ripensando alle vices Apostolicae Sedis nelle lettere di papa Leone I al presule di Tessalonica. Contributo alla storia dell’ecclesiologia in Occidente", in Synthesis, 4 (1) (2015), pp. 1-34.
  • Cesare Alzati, "The holy Apostle Barnabas and the Ambrosian Church. Ecclesiological meanings of the revival of a Greek Hagiographic tradition in Μilan", in Κυπριακὴ Ἁγιολογία. Πρακτικὰ Α΄ Διεθνοῦς Συνεδρίου, Παραλίμνι, 9-12 Φεβρουαρίου, curr. Th. Giάgkou - Ch. Nάssēs, Ἱερὰ Μητρόπολις Κωνσταντίας-Ἀμμοχώστου - Πολιτιστικὴ Ἀκαδημία «Ἅγιος Ἐπιφάνιος», Hάgia Nάpa - Paralίmni 2015 [Ἱστορικὰ καὶ Θεολογικὰ Μελετήματα, 2], pp. 87-123. [ISBN: 978-9963-9381-9-3]
  • Cesare Alzati, "«Duo sunt genera Christianorum». La grande frattura ecclesiologica ed istituzionale nell’Occidente del secolo XI. Riflessioni alla luce dell’Anno Costantiniano", in La vita dei cristiani e il potere civile. Questioni storiche e prospettive attuali in Oriente e Occidente. Atti del XIII Simposio intercristiano. Milano, 28-30 agosto 2013, cur. L. Bianchi, Edizioni San Leopoldo, Padova 2015, pp. 109-127. [ISBN: 978-88-96579-14-5]
  • Ioan Chirilă, "Spiritualité et société post-séculière: axiologie et structure de la société contemporaine", in Médias, spiritualité et laïcité. Regards croisés franco-roumains, coordonat de Stefan Bratosin, Editions IARSIC, 2015. 31.
  • Véghseő Tamás, Terdik Szilveszter, Források a magyarországi görögkatolikus parókiák történetéhez. Az 1747. évi javadalom-összeírás, Nyíregyháza: Szent Atanáz Görög Katolikus Hittudományi Főiskola, 2015. 640 p. (Collectanea Athanasiana II. Textus/Fontes; 6.) (ISBN:978-615-5073-30-)
  • Véghseő Tamás, Görögkatolikus papok történeti névtára: 1. kötet: A Hajdúdorogi Egyházmegye és a Miskolci Apostoli Exarchátus 1850 és 1950 között szentelt papjai, Nyíregyháza: Szent Atanáz Görög Katolikus Hittudományi Főiskola, 2015. 224 p.(Collectanea Athanasiana; V/1/1.)A Hajdúdorogi Egyházmegye és a Miskolci Apostoli Exarchátus 1850 és 1950 között szentelt papjai (ISBN:978-615-5073-32-8)
  • Véghseő Tamás, "Reflections on the Background to the Union of Uzhorod/Ungvár (1646)", in Eastern Theological Journal1:(1), pp. 151--185, (2015)
  • Véghseő Tamás, "A Barkóczy-féle instrukció keletkezése és néhány tanulsága", in: Bojtos Anita (ed.) Keleti keresztény kultúra határainkon innen és túl: A 2012 november 9-én rendezett jubileumi konferencia tanulmányai, 192 p. Konferencia helye, ideje: Piliscsaba, Hungary, 09/11/2012 Piliscsaba; Budapest: PPKE BTK, 2015, pp. 180-187. (ISBN:9789633082478)
  • Véghseő Tamás, "Az Apostoli Szék és a magyar görögkatolikusok kapcsolata a két világháború között", in: Fejérdy András (ed.) Magyarország és a Szentszék diplomáciai kapcsolatai 1920-2015. Konferencia helye, ideje: Róma, Italy, 12/06/2015 Budapest: METEM; Historia Ecclesiastica Hungarica Alapítvány; Accademia d'Ungheria in Roma, 2015, p. 147,(ISBN:978-963-9662-90-2)
  • Barta Cristian, "Alcune considerazioni sui titoli mariani nella Liturgia di San Giacomo", in Studia Universitatis Babes Bolyai Theologia Catholica, 1-2, 2015, pp. 5 – 22.
  • Florin Dobrei, A Challenge to Contemporary Christianity, Felicitas Publishing House, Stockholm (Suedia), ISBN 978-91-980750-9-0 – Editura Episcopiei Devei şi Hunedoarei, Deva, ISBN 978-606-8692-18-0, 2015, 439 p.
  • Florin Dobrei, "Landmarks of the evolution of Romanian religious education in South-West Transylvania up to the Great War (1914-1918)", in Research in Pedagogy (UDK: 37.014.52; DOI: 10.17810/2015.16), Vršac-Belgrade (Serbia), 2015, ISSN 2217-7337, pp. 63-72.
  • Gabriel-Viorel Gârdan, "From dream to reality: Orthodox Unity in the United States of America", in Calendarul Solia – An Annual Almanac, ROEA Vatra Românească, Michigan, 2015, pp. 200-252.
  • Ana Victoria Sima, "The propaganda messages disseminated through Transylvanian ecclesiastical channels during World War I", in Nouvelles etudes d’Histoire, XIII, Publieè à l’occasione du XXII Congres International des Sciences Historiques, Jinan 2015, 2015, pp. 141-152 [in collaboration with Diana Covaci].
  • Ana Victoria Sima, "Pedagogickè koncepty a metody ve vzdelàvàny ucitelu v Sedmihradsku v 19. stoleti- vlivy filantropismu a herbartismu", in Ucitel ve Stredni a Jihovychodni Evrope. Profesionalizace ucitelskeho vzdelavani: historicke a systematicke aspekty, volume coordinated by Tomas Kasper, Marketa Pankova a kol., Academia Narodni pedagogicke muzeum a Knihovna J. A. Komenskeho, Praha, 2015, pp. 152-161.
  • Olga Lukacs, "Az Erdélyi Református Egyház 19. Századi újraszervezése a kálvini egyhzászervezet tükrében", in: Kálvini vonások a magyarok lelki arcán, Ed. Palfi József. Hatvani istván Teológiai Kutatóintézet, Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem, Debrecen-Nagyvárad, 2015, p. 254-273
  • Ion Cârja, "Identità confessionale-identità nazionale. Le élites della Chiesa greco-cattolica romena e l’Autonomia cattolica dell’Ungheria nel periodo del dualismo (1867-1918)", nel volume: Andrea Ciampani, Rita Tolomeo (edited by), National Identities and Transnational European Èlites, Rubbettino, Soveria Manelli, 2015, pp. 121-138 (in collaboration with cu Cecilia Cârja).
  • Ion Cârja, "Combattendo lontano dalle loro terre. I romeni nell’esercito austroungarico sul fronte italiano (1915-1918)", in Gizella Nemeth, Adriano Papo (coord.), L’inferno del Carso. Guerra, memoria, letteratura, Luglio Editore, Domio (Trieste-IT), 2015, pp. 158-167.
  • Ioana Mihaela Bonda, "Vienna – centro della formazione dell’élite ecclesiastica greco-cattolica della Transilvania nella seconda metà dell’Ottocento", in Dal cuore dell’Europa. Omaggio al professor Cesare Alzati per il compimento dei 70 anni, a cura di Ioan-Aurel Pop, Ovidiu Ghitta, Ioan Bolovan, Ana Victoria Sima, Cluj-Napoca: Editura Academia Română. Centrul de Studii Transilvane; Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2015, pp.155-165.
  • Cecilia Cârja, "Identità confessionale-identità nazionale. Le élites della Chiesa greco-cattolica romena e l’Autonomia cattolica dell’Ungheria nel periodo del dualismo (1867-1918)", nel volume: Andrea Ciampani, Rita Tolomeo (edited by), National Identities and Transnational European Èlites, Rubbettino, Soveria Manelli, 2015, pp. 121-138 (in collaboration with Ion Cârja)
  • Cecilia Cârja, "Ortodossia, Cattolicesimo ed identità europea tra i romeni transilvani nel XIX secolo. Appunti per una ricerca", (in collaboration with Ion Cârja) in Dal cuore dell'Europa. Omaggio al professor Cesare Alzati per il compimento dei 70 ani, (A cura di Ioan-Aurel Pop, Ovidiu Ghitta, Ioan Bolovan, Ana Victoria Sima) Academia Romena, Centro di Studi Transilvani-Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2015, pp. 297-308.
  • Marius Eppel, "Le choix du conjoint au sein des mariages mixtes en Transylvanie 1950-2010: l’importance de la religion", in Nouvelles études d’histoire, Publiées à l’occasion du XXIIe Congrès International des Sciences Historiques, Jinan, 2015, XIII, 2015, pp. 175-187.
  • Marius Eppel, "Vasile Mangra and the Personality of Moise Nicoară" in Journal of Humanistic and Social Studies, Volume VI, No. 1 (11)/2015, pp. 151-156 (with Ioan Bolovan).
  • Daniel Alic, "Mission and Pastorate in Inter-War Banat. Priests’ Conferences in the Episcopate of Caransebeş (1920-1933)", in Postmodernism – a Chalange to Contemporary Christianity, Felicitas Publishing House, Stockholm/Editura Episcopiei Devei şi Hunedoarei, Deva, 2015, p. 231-244; ISBN 978-91-980750-9-0 and 978-606-8692-18-0.
  • Ciprian Ghișa, "Dejini greckokatolickej cirkvi v Sedmohradsku", in Historicka Revue, an XXVI, nr. II, 2015, pp. 61-65.
  • Ciprian Ghișa, "The Characteristics of the Greek-Catholic Discourse of Identity at the Beginning of the 21st Century", in Discourse as a Form of Multiculturalism in Literature and Communication, section History and Cultural Mentalities, Ed. Arhipelag XXI, Tîrgu-Mureș, 2015, pp. 117-127. ISBN 978-606-8624-21-1.
  • Mirela Popa-Andrei, "Agli inizi dell’Accademia Teologica di Oradea Mare: l’allontanamento dei studenti romeni dal Seminario latino (1912)" in La Scuola Transilvana, vol.II, coordinator Remus Câmpeanu, Varga Attila, Anca Elisabeta Tatay, Nyíregyháza, Casa Editrice Szent Atanáz Görögkatolikus Hittudományi Főiskola, 2015, pp. 183-196.
  • Daniela Deteșan, In law and out of law. The Transylvanian Romanians in the middle of the 19th century, Symphologic Publishing & Argonaut, Gatineau & Cluj-Napoca, 2015, 374 pag.
  • Mircea Gheorghe Abrudan, "Das unveröffentlichte Tagebuch eines Banater Offizier aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg: Leopold Prohaska", in Banatica, 25, Cluj-Napoca, 2015, pp. 391-402 (ISSN 1222-0612).
  • Mihaela Bedecean, "A Memoirist from Banat. On the Balkan Fronts of the Great War: 'Lae from Banat' " in: Banatica, 2015, XXV, pp. 403-416.
  • Mihaela Bedecean, "The Memoirs of the Great War: General Considerations", in: Transylvanian Review, 2015, XXIV, nr. 4, pp. 3-20.
  • Bogdan Ivanov, "Representing the Power: The Habsburgs in Transylvania from Piety to Dynastical Loyalty", in What if: Administration and Politics in the Lands of Romania,edited by Adina Boroneanţ and Anca Diana Popescu (Cluj-Napoca: Academia Română, Centrul de Studii Transilvane, 2015), pp. 71-83.
  • Ionela Zaharia, "The Romanian Military Clergy from Austria-Hungary: Their Activities in the Prisoners of War Camps during World War I", in The First World War. Analysis and Interpretation, Vol. 1, editori Antonello Biagini, Giovanni Motta, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015, pp. 323-337.
Year 2014
  • Recruitment and Promotion among the Romanian Greek-Catholic Ecclesiastical Elite in Transylvania (1853-1918). A Collection of Studies, volume prepared by Mirela Popa-Andrei (coord.), Diana Covaci, Mihaela Bedecean, Aurelia Dan, Marin Balog, Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2014, 226 p.
  • Cesare Alzati, "Da «Madre di tutte le Chiese» a Patriarcato. La collocazione del vescovo di Gerusalemme nella comunione cristiana della tarda antichità", in Una Città tra Terra e Cielo. Gerusalemme, le Religioni, le Chiese, dir. C. Alzati, cur. L. Vaccaro, Libreria Editrice Vaticana - Fondazione Ambrosiana Paolo VI, Città del Vaticano - Villa Cagnola, Gazzada 2014 (Storia religiosa Euro-Mediterranea, III) (ISBN: 978-88-209-9353-5), pp. 211-222.
  • Cesare Alzati, "La Chiesa di Milano tra contesto italico ed ecumene al tramonto della tarda antichità", in Chiese locali e Chiese regionali nell’Alto Medioevo, Fondazione Centro di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo, Spoleto 2014 (LXI Settimana di Studio: 4-9 aprile 2013) (ISBN: 978-88-6809-046-3), pp. 913-950.
  • Cesare Alzati, "Le Chiese Orientali Unite. Alcune considerazioni tra storia ed ecclesiologia", in Vybranéotázky a perspektívy teológie vo Východných Cirkvách Zjednotených s Rímom / Selected Questions and Perspectives on the Theology in the Eastern Churches United with Rome, cur. Š. Marinčák, Centrum Spirituality Východ-Západ Michala Lacka, Košice 2014 (Orientalia et Occidentalia, 14) (ISBN: 978-80-7141-838-2), pp. 9-39; trad. slovacca: Východné Zjednotené Cirkvi. Niekol’ko ekleziologicko-historických pohl’adov, pp. 305-334.
  • Daniel Benga, "Heilige in der Frühkirche", in: Martin Illert/Martin Schindehütte (Hrsg.), Theologischer Dialog mit der Rumänischen Orthodoxen Kirche. Die Apostolizität der Kirche. Heiligkeit und Heiligung, (Beihefte zur Ökumenischen Rundschau, Nr. 97), Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig, 2014, p. 204-212.
  • Paul Brusanowski, "Die rumänisch-orthodoxe Volkskirche in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts und ihre Beziehung zum ungarischen Staat (bis 1918)", in Ostkirchliche Studien, 63, 2014, pp. 34-65.
  • Ioan Chirilă, "Espace public et «confession» de la foi", in Espace public et communication de la foi, Actes du 2e colloque international COMSYMBOL IARSIC-ESSACHESS, 2-3 juillet 2014, Beziers, France, Editions IARSIC, 2014, pp. 27-35.
  • Ioan Chirilă, "The Struggle for Recognition or the Victorious Slave", in Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, www.jsri.ro, vol. 13, no. 37 (2014)
  • Mihai Săsăujan, "Die Ministerkonferenzen des Wiener Hofes bezüglich der Orthodoxen in Siebenbürgen in der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts", in Ostkirchliche Studien – Würzburg, ISSN 0030-6487, 63/2014, Heft 1, pp. 20-35.
  • Véghseő Tamás, "Il percorso dei greco-cattolici ungheresi nei secoli XIX. e XX. Momenti di un discorso sull’identità", in: Remus Câmpeanu, Varga Attila, Florin Jula (ed.) La Scuola Transilvana, Konferencia helye, ideje: Oradea, Romania, 12/04/2013--13/04/2013, Nyíregyháza:SzentAtanáz Görög Katolikus Hittudományi Főiskola, 2014. pp. 205-201. (ISBN:978-615-5073-22-9)
  • Véghseő Tamás, "L’introduzione della lingua ungherese nella liturgia greco-cattolica nei secoli XIX–XX e le sue conseguenze", in: Janusz Mieczkowski, Przemysław Nowakowski (ed.) Reformy liturgii a powrót do źródeł. Konferencia helye, ideje: Cracow, Poland, 21/10/2013--23/10/2013. Krakkó: Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie - Wydawnictwo, 2014, p. 275. (ISBN:978-83-7438-313-4)
  • Véghseő Tamás, "Jezsuiták és görögkatolikusok Északkelet-Magyarországon a 17. század második felében", in: Szabó Irén (ed.) Katolikus megújulás Északkelet-Magyarországon: Művelődéstörténeti konferencia a jezsuita rend sárospataki megtelepedésének 350. évfordulója alkalmából. Konferencia helye, ideje: Sárospatak, Hungary, 03/10/2013-04/10/2013. Sárospatak: Római Katolikus Egyházi Gyűjtemény, 2014, pp. 214-226, (Folia collecta; 2.) (ISBN:978-963-12-1056-9)
  • Barta Cristian, "Sinodalità ed istituzioni sinodali nella Chiesa Romena Unita con Roma, Greco-Cattolica", in Divinitas. Rivista internazionale di ricerca e di critica teologica, 2014, pp. 65-101.
  • Barta Cristian, "Il pensiero teologico del vescovo greco-cattolico Grigore Maior", in Şcoala Ardeleană, ediţia a VIII-a, Oradea, 2013, Szent Atanáz Görögkatolikus Hittudományi Föiskola, Editor: Remus Câmpeanu, Vasile Rus, Varga Attila, Florin Jula, 2014, pp. 365-390.
  • Florin Dobrei, The Treasure of Hunedoara – Historical Monument Orthodox Churches, Felicitas Publishing House, Stockholm (Suedia), ISBN 978-91-980750-4-5 – Editura Episcopiei Devei şi Hunedoarei, Deva, ISBN 978-606-93715-9-6, 2014, 244 p.
  • Florin Dobrei, "Old Romanian Church Provisions Regarding the Moral and Spiritual Behavior of the Believers", in Communication and Communion (coord. Vasile Vlad), Felicitas Publishing House, Stockholm (Suedia), ISBN 978-91-980750-7-6 – Editura Episcopiei Devei şi Hunedoarei, Deva, 2014, ISBN 978-606-8692-03-6, pp. 171-181.
  • Florin Dobrei, "Biserici „hunedorene” din Banat – biserici „bănăţene” din Hunedoara / „Banatske“ crkve u Hunedoari – „hunedoranske“ crkve u Banatu", in Studii şi cercetări. Banatul – istorie şi multiculturalitate / Studije i istraživanja. Banat – Istorija i multikulturalnost (coord. Costa Roșu, Carmen Albert), Editura Fundației Române de Etnografie şi Folclor din Voivodina, Zrenianin – Editura ICRV, Novi Sad, 2014, ISBN 978-86-87803-51-0, pp. 217-230.
  • Florin Dobrei, "Transylvanian 'Schismatics', 'Heretics' and 'Infidels' in the Vision of 13th-16th Century Catholic Europe", în vol. From Periphery to Centre.The Image of Europe at the Eastern Border of Europe (edit. Sorin Şipoş, Gabriel Moisa, Dan Octavian Cepraga, Mircea Brie, Teodor Mateoc), Romanian Academy. Center for Transylvanian Studies, Cluj-Napoca, 2014, ISBN 978-973-7784-97-1, pp. 47-60.
  • Florin Dobrei, "Ai tempi della censura – la stampa teologica ortodossa nella Romania comunista", in. Categorie europee: rappresentazioni storiche e letterarie del ‘politico’ (edit. Sorin Şipoş, Federico Donatiello, Dan Octavian Cepraga, Aurel Chiriac), Romanian Academy. Center for Transylvanian Studies, in Supplement no. 1 of „Transylvanian Review”, XXIII, Cluj-Napoca, 2014, ISSN 2067-1016, pp. 142-150.
  • Gabriel-Viorel Gârdan, "Ossius of Cordoba – Adviser of Emperor Constantine The Great", in Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Theologia Orthodoxa, year LIX, 2014, nr.2, pp. 97-117.
  • Gabriel-Viorel Gârdan, "The Gobal Ecumenical Theological Institute – a forum for theological debate and inter-generation dialogue", in Review of Ecumenical Studies, vol. 6, no. 2, august 2014, pp. 306-309
  • Gabriel-Viorel Gârdan, "The Drama of the Romanian Orthodox Diaspora in North America during the Instauration of the Communist Regime in Romania", in Teologia, vol. 58. No. 1, 2014, pp. 113-136.
  • Gabriel-Viorel Gârdan, "Constantine The Great, The Apologist of Christianity", in Dr. Sergiu Popescu (coord.), The Christian Paradigm of a United Europe. The Historical and Religious Dimension of The Reign of Saint Constantine The Great and His Present Reception, Regional Development Foundation, Sofia, 2014, pp. 174-183.
  • Gabrie-Viorel Gârdan, "The Global Ecumenical Theological Institute – forum de dezbatere teologică şi dialog între generaţii", in Tabor, anul VIII, nr. 1, January 2014, pp. 54-58.
  • Ana Victoria Sima, "The Reception of the Italian Rissorgimento in the Public Conscience of the Romanian Ecclesiastical Intellectuals from Transylvania", in Antonello Biagini e Giovanna Motta (ed. by) Empires and Nations from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, London, 2014, pp. 422-431.
  • Olga Lukacs, "Die Reformierte Kirche der Ungarn in Siebenbürgen unmittelbar nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg", in: Ökumenische Rundschau, Juli-September 2014. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Leipzig, 345-349.
  • Ion Cârja, "A Frenchman Wandering through the Banat. The Border Regiment from Caransebeș in Marshal Marmont’s Travel Accounts (1834)", in Transylvanian Review, vol. XXIII, Supplement No. 2, 2014 (Looking towards the Center. Society and history in Europe), pp. pp. 71-79;
  • Cecilia Cârja, "On the Eastern Identity of the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century", in Entangled Identities. Regionalism, Society, Ethnicity, Confession and Gender in Transylvania (18th-19th Century), Cluj-Napoca-Gatineau, 2014, pp. 161-178. (in collaboration with cu Ion Cârja)
  • Intermarriage throughout History, edited by Luminița Dumănescu, Daniela Mârza, Marius Eppel, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2014, 505 p. ISBN: 978-1-4438-5950-9.
  • Marius Eppel, "Churches and Interfaith Marriages in Transylvania: From 1895 to the present", in Intermarriage throughout History (in collaboration with cu Luminița Dumănescu, Daniela Mârza), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2014, pp. 252-285 (cu Ioan Bolovan).
  • Macarie Drăgoi, Artisan of Christian unity: Nathan Söderblom between North and East. His correspondence with Orthodox personalities (1896 - 1931), Stockholm, Editura Felicitas, 2014.
  • Daniel Alic, "The Administration of the Holy Mystery of the Echarist. Canonical dispositions, Explanations and Actions of the Hierarcs of the Diocese of Caransebeş (1865-1948)", in Communication and Communion, Felicitas Publishing House, Stockholm/Editura Episcopiei Devei şi Hunedoarei, Deva, 2014, pp. 51-63; ISBN 978-91-980750-7-6 şi 978-606-8692-03-6.
  • Ciprian Ghișa, "The Image of the Roman-Catholic Church in the Orthodox Press of Romania, 1918-1940", in Eastern Orthodox Encounters of Identity and Otherness. Values, Self-Reflection, Dialogue, editors Andrii Krawchuk and Thomas Bremer, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, pp. 109-123.
  • Ciprian Ghișa, "The Greek-Catholic Church in Romania Facing the Challenges of the Post-Modern Society", in Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, vol. 13, nr. 38, 2014, pp. 3-28.
  • Ciprian Ghișa, Lucian Leustean, "The Romanian Greek-Catholic Church", in Eastern Christianity and Politics in the twenty-first century, editor Lucian Leustean, London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014, p. 656-681.
  • Mirela Popa-Andrei, "The Ecclesiastical Elite in the Romanian National Movement from Transylvania during the Semi-Liberal Period (1860–1865)", in Empires and Nation from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century, volume 2, editors Antonello Biagini, Giovanna Motta, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, pp. 221-230. See: http://www.cambridgescholars.com/empires-and-nations-from-the-eighteenth-to-the-twentieth-century-2
  • Mirela Popa-Andrei, "Istituzioni di formazione dell'èlite locale: il seminario domestico greco-cattolico di Oradea nella seconda metà del XIX secolo", in: La Scuola Transilvana, editors Remus Câmpeanu, Vasile Rus, Varga Attila, Florin Jula, Nyíregyháza – Oradea, Casa Editrice „Szent Atanáz Görögkatolikus Hittudományi Főiskola”, 2014, pp. 131-153.
  • Recruitment and Promotion among The Romanian Greek-Catholic Eccelesiastical Elite in Transylvania (1853-1918). A Collection of Sudies, volume prepared by Mirela Popa-Andrei (coord.), Diana Covaci, Mihaela Bedecean, Aurelia Dan, Marin Balog, Cluj-Napoca, Ed. Mega, 2014, 226p.
  • Daniela Deteșan, "Außereheliches Zusammenleben im ländlichen Raum in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts am Beispiel der Siebenbürger Rumänen", in Karl-Peter Krauss (Hg.), Normsetzung und Normverletzung, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 2014, pp. 263-284.
  • Daniela Deteșan, "«Né de lit illégitime» en Transylvanie dans la deuxième moitié du XIX-e siècle" in Annales de démographie historique, 2014, no 1, pp. 127-151.
  • Lucian Turcu, "From Negotiations to Open War: Romania in WWI as seen by an American Historian", in Transylvanian Review, vol. XXIII, no. 4, Winter 2014, pp. 90-94 (ISSN 1221-1249).
  • Mircea Gheorghe Abrudan, "The Confessional Identity of the Transylvanian Saxons (1848-1920)", in Sorin Mitu (editor), Entagled Identities. Regionalism, Society, Ethnicity, Confession and Gender in Transylvania (18th – 19th Century), Argonaut Publishing, Cluj-Napoca / Symphologic Publishing, Gatineau, 2014, pp. 127-159. (ISBN 978-973-109-495-3; ISBN 978-0-9917782-5-6).
  • Mihaela Bedecean, "Il Capitolo ed i canonici del Vescovato Unito di Lugoj (1853-1918)", în: La Scuola Transilvana, editors Remus Câmpeanu, Vasile Rus, Varga Attila, Florin Jula, Nyíregyháza – Oradea, Casa Editrice „Szent Atanáz Görögkatolikus Hittudományi Főiskola”, 2014, pp. 213-228.
  • Mihaela Bedecean, "Interpersonal Relations and Behavioural Attitudes among the Banatian Greek-Catholic Elite (1857-1918)", in: Recruitment and Promotion among the Romanian Greek-Catholic Ecclesiastical Elite in Transylvania (1853-1918). A Collection of Studies, coordinator Mirela Popa-Andrei, Cluj-Napoca, Mega Publishing House, 2014, pp. 135-161.
  • Ionela Zaharia, "The Romanian Military Clergy from Austria-Hungary. Their activities on the Italian Front", in Transylvanian Review, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, Winter 2014, pp. 43-54.
Year 2013
  • Cesare Alzati, "La Cavalcata di Costantino nella Moldavia di Stefano il Grande e la ripresa dell’immagine nella Mosca dello zar Ivan IV", in La figura di Costantino imperatore e l’ideologia imperiale nella storia culturale, religiosa e civile dei Paesi slavi, curr. F. Braschi – M. Di Salvo, Biblioteca Ambrosiana – Bulzoni, Milano-Roma 2013 (Slavica Ambrosiana, IV) (ISBN: 978-88-7870-842-6), pp. 131-140.
  • Cesare Alzati, "«Numquam scivi Arium». Contributo per un ripensamento delle presenze antinicene nella Milano della seconda metà del IV secolo", in Ambrogio e l’Arianesimo, cur. R. Passarella, Biblioteca Ambrosiana - Bulzoni Editore, Milano-Roma 2013 (Studia Ambrosiana, VII) (ISBN: 978-88-7870-877-8), pp. 29-45.
  • Cesare Alzati, "Patriarcato. Un’istituzione radicata nella storia delle Chiese al servizio della loro comunione", in Primato pontificio ed episcopato. Dal primo Millennio al Concilio Ecumenico Vaticano II. Studi in onore dell’Arcivescovo Agostino Marchetto / Päpstlicher Primat und Episkopat. Vom Ersten Jahrtausend bis zum II. Ökumenischen Vatikanischen Konzil. Festschrift für Erzbischof Agostino Marchetto, cur. J. Ehret, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano 2013 (ISBN: 978-88-209-9174-6), pp. 449-462.
  • Cesare Alzati, "Il fuoco nella ritualità cultuale della Chiesa latina alto medioevale", in Il fuoco nell’Alto Medioevo, Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo, Spoleto 2013 (Atti della LX Settimana di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo: 12-17 April 2012) (ISBN: 978-88-7988-006-7), pp. 47-64.
  • Ioan Marius Bucur, "Justice and Repression in Communist Romania: The Trial of Greek-Catholic Bishop Alexandru Rusu in 1957", Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Historia, Vol. 59, No. 2, December 2013, pp. 113-138, ISSN 1220-0492.
  • Ovidiu Ghitta, "Piety, Nobility, Confessional Identity. The Last Church Founded by Grigore Maior, the Greek-Catholic Bishop of Făgăraş", in Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Historia, vol. 58, no. 1, June 2013, p. 124-137
  • Ovidiu Ghitta, "The Greek-Catholic Church from Transylvania and the traditional popular religiosity", in Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Historia, vol. 58, Special Issue, December 2013, p. 230-245
  • Daniel Benga, "Defining Sacred Boundaries. Processes of Delimitation from the Pagan Society in Syrian Christianity according to the «Didascalia Apostolorum»", in: Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum, Band 17 (2013), p. 526-559.
  • Daniel Benga, "Die Diaspora der Orthodoxen Kirchen in Europa. Ein geschichtlicher Überblick", in: Ostkirchliche Studien, Band 62 (2013), p. 318-331.
  • Paul Brusanowski, "Der rumänisch-orthodoxe Klerus vor der Herausforderung durch den Antisemitismus und die legionäre Bewegung (Legion Erzengel Michael)", in Zugänge. Jahrbuch des Evangelischen Freundeskreises Siebenbürgen e,V., Bd. 41, 2013, Bad Vilbel, pp. 30-56. Essay held within the conference Die siebenbürgisch-sächsische Gesellschaft in Rumänien von 1920 bis 1980 – Kontinuitäten und Diskontinuitäten, organized at Bad Kissingen, 7-9 March 2013;
  • Paul Brusanowski, "Brief presentation of the Orthodox Church from Old Romania (1866-1918)", in Religious freedom and constraint –theological-historical landmarks, ed. Felicitas Rumänska Ortodoxa Stiftet för Norra Europa, Stockholm. 2013, pp. 157-167.
  • Mihai Săsăujan, "Geschichte und heutige Situation der Rumänischen Orthodoxen Kirche", (in collaboration with Professor Viorel Ioniță), in Pnevmatiky Diakonia. Periodiky Ekdosi tis Ieras Mitropoleos Konstantias - Ammoxostou, Etos 6 (2013), Teuxos 15, pp. 23-33.
  • Florin Dobrei, Religious freedom and constraint – theological-historical landmarks, Felicitas Publishing House, Stockholm (Suedia), ISBN 978-91-980750-1-4 – Editura Episcopiei Devei şi Hunedoarei, Deva, ISBN 978-606-93518-6-4, 2013, 463 p.
  • Florin Dobrei, "Statutory foresight concerning the organization of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and its relationship with the state during the Exarchate (1870-1945)", in The Scientific Journal of Humanistic Studies, Cluj-Napoca, an V, 2013, nr. 8, ISSN 2066-8880, pp. 228-233.
  • Florin Dobrei, "Православна веронаука у Трансилванији, у периоду 1849-1867", in Πедагоска стварност (COBISS.SR-ID 3883522), Novi Sad (Serbia), year LIX, 2013, nr. 1, ISSN 0553-4569, pp. 181-190.
  • Gabriel-Viorel Gârdan, "The relations between Church and State during the 4th century", Crkvene studije vol. 10, no 10, 2013, pp. 187-202.
  • Gabriel-Viorel Gârdan, "The Migration to the New World as a Form of Religious Freedom. The Foundation of the Protestant Colonies in North America", in Florin Dobrei (coord.), Religious freedom and constraint – theological-historical landmarks, Editura Felicitas, Stockholm & Editura Episcopiei Devei, Deva, 2013, pp. 53-70.
  • Ana Victoria Sima, Affirming Identity. The Romanian Greek-Catholic Church at the Time of the First Vatican Council, Editura Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2013, 442 p.
  • Ana Victoria Sima, "From the Enlightenment to Philantropinism in the pedagogical tought of the Romanians from Transylvania, the Banat and Hungary (1776-1848)", in Edvard Protner, Simonetta Polenghi (ed. by) The development of teacher education in the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe. Proceedings of the International Conference Maribor (Slovenia), 11-13 October 2012, University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, in „History of Education & Children’s Literature”, VIII, 1 (2013), pp. 199-213.
  • Olga Lukacs, "Power and Consciousness in Confessional Controversies: Calvinist-Catholic relations in Transylvania", Cuius Regio. An analysis of the cohesive and disruptive forces desining the attachment of persons to and the cohesion within regions as a historical phenomen. Transylvania in Eighteenth Century, MEGA Publishing House, Editors: Laura Stanciu and Cosmin Popa-Gorjanu, 978-605-543-348-9, BDI, 2013, p. 124-139.
  • Olga Lukacs, "Überblick zur Gegenwart der reformierten Kirche in Rumänien", Evangelische Diaspora Südosteuropa, Freiburger graphische Betriebe GmbH, Leipzig, Editor, 2013, p. 92-102.
  • Ion Cârja, Die Rumänische Unierte Kirche am Ersten Vatikanischen Konzil, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2013, 247 pag. (in collaboration with Nicolae Bocşan).
  • Ion Cârja, "Faith and Charity. Aspects Concerning the Material Situation of the Higher Greek-Catholic Clergy in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century and the Early Twentieth Century", in Daniel Dumitran, Valer Moga (eds.), Economy and Society and Central and Eastern Europe. Territory, population, consumption. Papers of the International Conference held in Alba Iulia, April 25th-27th, 2013, Wien, Berlin, LIT VERLAG, 2013, pp. 181-192.
  • Ion Cârja, "L’unificazione dell’Italia nella percezione della storiografia romena del XX secolo. Alcune considerazioni", in: Andrea Ciampani (a cura di), L’unità d’Italia in Europa, Roma, Istituto per la Storia del Risorgimento Italiano/Bibilioteca Scientifica, collana „Prospettive”/„Perspectives”, vol. III, 2013, pp. 101-112;
  • Ioana Mihaela Bonda, "De la périphérie de l’Empire vers la cité éternelle. La formation du clergé gréco-catholique roumain pendant la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle", in Iosif Marin Balog, Rudolf Graf, Cristian Luca (eds.), Economic and Social Evolutions at the Crossroads of the World-System. Eastern and Central Europe from the Early Modern Age to the Twentieth Century, Transylvanian Review, vol XXII, Supplement, No. 2, 2013, pp. 155-163.
  • Cecilia Cârja, "The Romanian Greek-Catholic Church and the Hungarian Catholic Autonomy at the Beginning of Austro-Hungarian Dualism", in Transylvanian Review, vol. XXII, Supplement no. 2, 2013, p.164-173.
  • Macarie Drăgoi, "Seeking to heal the World spiritually, physically and socially: the role of the Church", in Religious freedom and constraint-theologiacal-historical landmarks, Stockholm/Deva, Editura Felicitas a Episcopiei Europei de Nord-Editura Episcopiei Devei și Hunedoarei, 2013, pp. 343-352.
  • Daniel Alic, " «Modern» limitations of religious freedom. Priests from the Diocese of Caransebeş who were persecuted during the First World War", in Religious freedom and constraint – theological-historical landmarks, Deva, 2013, ISBN/ISSN 9789198075014.
  • Ciprian Ghișa, "Historische Entwicklung der Rumänischen Griechisch-Katholischen Kirche", in Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West (RGOW) (2013), 11–12, pp. 14-17.
  • Canonici, profesori şi vicari foranei din Biserica Română Unită (1853-1918). Dicţionar, volume prepared by Mirela Popa-Andrei (coord.), Ana Victoria Sima, Diana Covaci, Mihaela Bedecean, Aurelia Dan, Marin Balog, Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2013, 454 p.
  • Mirela Popa-Andrei, Diana Covaci, "The Formation of An Ecclesiastical Elite in the Modern Era: A Comparative Approach of Two Cathedral Chapters" in Economic and Social Evolutions at the Crossroads of the World-System: Eastern and Central Europe from the Early Modern Age to the Twentieth Century, editors Iosif Marin Balog şi Rudolf Gräf, Cristian Luca, Transylvanian Review, 2, Supplement, 2013, pp. 140-154.
  • Mirela Popa-Andrei, Diana Covaci, "The Recruitment of an Ecclesiastical Elite: the Canons of the Cathedral Chapters in Oradea and Blaj", in Anuarul Institutului de Istorie George Bariţiu din Cluj, vol. LII, Series Historica, Supliment, 2013, pp. 117-140.
  • Daniela Deteșan, "1848 Romanian Leader’s in Exile: Cezar Bolliac (1848-1857)" in Armies, Commanders, Leaders in Transylvania (1848-1849), coord. Ela Cosma, ed. Symphologic Publishing, 2013, pp. 196-208.
  • Lucian Turcu, "Why weren't the official holidays of the inter-war period a reason of joy for all the Romanians?", in Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Historia, volume 58, number 2/2013, pp. 87-112 (ISSN (print) 1220-0492; ISSN (online) 2065-9598; ISSN-L 1220-0492).
  • Horațiu Bodale, "The Loyalty towards the House of Habsburg in Case of the Romanians from Transylvania and the Italians from Lommbard-Venetian Kingdom(1850-1866)", în Transylvanian Review, XXII, Supplement No. 2, 2013, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 75-88, ISSN 2067-1016.
  • Horațiu Bodale, "Center-Periphery Relation Reflected to the Level of Connections Between the Austrian Central Institutions and those from the Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom Between 1850-1866", in Anuarul Institutului de Istorie George Bariţiu - Supliment,LII, 2013, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 329-335, ISSN – L2344-2107.
  • Horațiu Bodale, "Typology of Political Thinking of Giuseppe Mazzini in the Romanian Area", in: Il Risorgimento italiano e i movimenti nazionali in Europa, volume coordinated by Giordano Altarozzi and Cornel Sigmirean, Roma, 2013, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, pp. 153-165, ISBN 9788868121464, DOI 10.4458/1464.
  • Ionela Zaharia, "Romanian and Italian Military Chaplains from Austria-Hungary during 1868-1913", in Anuarul Institutului de Studii Italo-Român/ Annuarrio dell´Instituto di Studi Italo-Romeno Vol. X, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj Napoca - Roma, 2013, pp. 147-159.